Saturday, July 30, 2011

FGO camp 2011

Here's the scoop on the upcoming 2nd Annual FGO (For Girls ONLY) boot camp: (spread the word) ages 8+

These boot camp sessions will be fun and informative! It's a great way to get your girls back in shape and ready fall sports and school activities.

Not only will the girls receive a safe, well-directed, age AND fitness level appropriate workout, they will also learn:
  1. about the requirements and benefits of fitness
  2. fitness drills that they can do on their own
  3. information about making healthy food choices, and
  4. a challenging and different workout each day
Monday, August 8 thru Thursday, August 11 (all classes are 60 mins.)
Classes are 7 to 8 a.m. - please arrive 15 minutes early on Monday so that you can fill out a form, provide payment and get signed in.

Cost: $45 (please make your checks out to Haute to Trot) - payment will be taken on Monday, August 8 - please arrive 15 min. early - (6:45 a.m.)

Location: Mt. St. Mary's Park - St. Charles - SE corner of Prairie and 1st Street (by the skate park)

What to bring: girls need to bring a mat and a water

What to wear: Girls should wear appropriate workout attire including running/cross training shoes. No short shorts or clothing w/writing across the back side (tush area)

*****Reply to this email with your daughter;s name, age and school prior to camp****

Please check the blog for daily updates regarding camp and weather, etc. -

What is Haute To Trot? . . .
HTT is a an all over body conditioning class. We combine weight resistance training (sometimes with weights and sometimes just using your body weight) with intense cardio blasts that keep the heart pumping and the muscles guessing. For more information on Haute to Trot and Sharon Lamar, certified group and personal fitness trainer, please visit

HTT is celebrating the kick-off to our 4th year here in St. Charles! Thank you Hauties!

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