Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Outside today Hauties 6/24. . . and remember

Please bring water and a mat.

When your gym is outdoors, you've got to be prepared.  Bug spray and sunscreen are a good call.
Remember, no Hautie Helpers will be on-site.

See you there!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Inside Again Today - 6/19

We'll be inside at the Underground Studio again today because of the rainy weather.  The studio is located on 64/Main St. in downtown St. Charles in the Life Church building across from The Office Restaurant.  Enter through the unmarked door between the Edward Jones office and the 2nd Avenue Barber shop.

See you there and Thanks for Being A Hautie!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

We will be inside today! 6/17/14

Looks like some bad weather is headed our way at class time so let's move it inside . . .

The Underground Studio is located in the Life Church building just across from The Office restaurant in downtown St. Charles.  Enter through the unmarked door facing 64 ( in between the Edwards Jones office and the barber shop)

See you there!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Summertime Hours Start on 6/10 - 8:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.

also, I believe we have nearly outgrown our need for babysitters at the park.  Our children are getting older, but not us, we are just getting better. So, there will not be any Hautie Helpers at the park at this time. I'm happy to bring the Hautie Helpers back, should the need arise.  As always, please feel free to bring your children, most Hauties do.

Thanks for  Being A Hautie!