Tuesday, June 23, 2015

HTT- Summer 2015

Happy Summertime! 

Keep your workouts going this summer with Haute To Trot! 
Being active is great, but working out is BETTER!

Class times for the summer are as follows:

Tuesdays - 7:00 a.m.
Wednesdays - 5:15 a.m.
Thursdays - 7:00 a.m.
Fridays -7:00 a.m.

We will always meet at the Underground Studio in Downtown St. Charles. Some workouts will be outside, some will be inside, or a mix but we will almost always start from the studio.  The studio is located on 64/Main St in St. Charles, just across from The Office restaurant.  The address is 8N 2nd Avenue.  Enter through the door (facing 64) between the Edward Jones office and the Ave. 2 Barber shop.

Tuesdays and Thursdays will primarily be out weight days.  That's right, we lift heavy weights at least 2 times a week.  Wednesday mornings are primarily cardio or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) along with a good stretch at the end.  Fridays vary from HIIT, MetCon (Metabolic Conditioning), to Tabata. 


$10 - (or less, if you buy a 5 or 10 pack that doesn't expire)

Shoot me an email at HauteToTrot@comcast.net, if you have any questions.

Thanks for Being A Hautie!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


There will be no classes this week - June 1 thru June 5.

Our Summer Session will begin on Tuesday June 9! 

Check back here on Wednesday, June 3,  for all the summer session details.